Technical Name: SPINETORAM 11.7% SC

Category: Insecticides

Mode of Action: Broad Spectrum Insecticide

Pack Sizes: 20ml. , 100ml. , 180ml.


    • KONATSU Insecticide is Spinosin class insecticide with long-lasting and broad-spectrum control of insect pests in a variety of crops.
    • KONATSU have a unique site of action. It disrupt neural activity in insects by binding with site of action.
    • KONATSU penetrates leaves (translaminar) to provide control of Thrips, leaf miner and Lepidopteran pests.
    • KONATSU Insecticide provides control of Thrips and.
    KONATSU contains contact and stomach poison with synthetic modifications of the ingredients.

  • KONASTU faster in action with better efficacy and longer duration of control.
  • KONATSU Insecticide is “Winner of Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award” in the category for 'designing safer chemicals' given by the US government.
  • KONATSU It is very effective at low rates and has low impact on most of the beneficial insects and non-target organisms in field conditions
  • KONATSU is new and effective tool for Integrated Pest Management.
Recommended Crop Recommended Pest / Disease Per Acre Waiting period
Dosage Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in water in ltr.
CottonSpotted bollworm & Tobacco caterpillar168-188200-40030
CottonPink bollworm18020030
SoyabeanTobacco caterpillar180200-50030
ChilliThrips, Fruit borer & Tobacco caterpillar180-200160-2007
OkraFruit borer & Shoot and fruit borer150-180200-4003
BrinjalShoot and fruit borer150-180200-4003
ChickpeaPod borer150-18020020
Red gramPod borer150-18020023
RiceYellow stem borer & Leaf folder140-15020020