Technical Name: LAMBDA CYHALOTHRIN 4.9% CS

Category: Insecticides


Pack Sizes: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr

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    • YURI belongs to Synthetic Pyrithroid group of Insecticide.
    • YURI is recommended on several crops like, Paddy, Cotton, Vegetables and Grapes for control of Lepidopteran pests and Thrips.
    • YURI has a quick knock-down and repellency effect through contact, residual and stomach activity and therefore stopping pest damage to crops immediately.
    • YURI can be applied as a foliar spray using most types of spraying equipment. Application should be made when pests first appear and repeat after 7 days depending upon  infestation.
    • YURI is best formulation having micro capsule technology, ideally suited for long lasting pest management strategy.

  • YURI has capacity to remain effective on leaf surface for longer time than other synthetic pyrithroids. It has capacity to remain on even hard surface like stem and petiole.
  • YURI also repel the insect to feeding site. It should be used on same day when the spray solution is made. Keeping it longer for more than a day will disintegrate capsule.
  • YURI can be tank mixed with commonly known pesticides.
Recommended Crop Recommended Pest / Disease Per Acre Waiting period
Dosage Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in water in ltr.
PaddyStem borer & Leaf Folder10020015
BrinjalShoot & Fruit borer1202005
OkraFruit borer1202005
TomatoFruit borer1202005
GrapesThrips & Flea Beetle100200-4007
ChilliesThrips & Pod borer2002005
SoyabeanStemfly & Semilooper12020031