Technical Name: CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP

Category: Fungicides

Mode of Action: Broad spectrum Contact fungicide

Pack Sizes: 250gm,500gm, 1kg


    • TAMAGO is Broad-spectrum contact fungicide and is highly effective against Anthracnose, Fruit Rots, Rusts, Downey Mildew, Tikka disease, Early and Late Blight on various crops.
    • TAMAGO multi-site inhibitor affecting various enzymes and other metabolic processes in fungi. It inhibits spore germination and is toxic to fungal cell membranes.
    • TAMAGO has long persistence on crop surface and low soil mobility and one of the best alternatives in complex disease outbreak situation.

  • TAMAGO is very effective for the control of diseases on field and garden crop and It is having superior protective action due to its multisite mode of action and anti- sporulant activity.
  • TAMAGO is good for resistance management with Strobilurin group of fungicides and Resistance to rain-wash.
  • TAMAGO has many outstanding applications. It provides excellent results when used prophylactically. The product is also highly effective against anthracnose.
  • TAMAGO is very safe to use and very safe to the environment.
Recommended Crop Recommended Pest / Disease Per Acre Waiting period
Dosage Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in water in ltr.
AppleScab8010Lit Water Per Tree45
CauliflowerLeaf spot2gm2003
ChilliFruit rot32030010
GrapeAnthracnose & Downey mildew804060
GroundnutTikka leaf spot, Rust352-460240-32014
PotatoEarly, late, blight350-500240-32014
WatermelonDowney mildew, Leaf spot2gm2003